Photo gallery

What the group offers

The Group primarily offers a range of events throughout the year, to give our members the chance to meet and make friends.

Subject to funds we can offer funding towards hobbies of up to £50 per year per member and also provide a one-off educational grant for primary and secondary education.

Please email us to apply for a grant -

Committee members

Our committee consists of parents who help run the group, put on events, support fundraising and answer enquiries.

We are always keen to have new committee member so please get in touch if you are interested -

Chair - Amy Pullin

Treasurer - Dan Spencer

Committee members - Anish and Bindu Panchmatia, Simon Thorpe, Sarmi Malik, Danni Brewin, Natalie Ring, Razia Patel, Cathrynne Baggott, Liz Perkins

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